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Monday, April 4, 2011

Paris Day Three, February 27

A little after 3pm:

My first day alone in Paris has been.... interesting. It already feels like it has been an entire day and yet I haven't even seen anything. My day began at 7:30 when I got up to wish the rest of my family farewell. Two days was certainly not a long enough visit with them. After going back to sleep I got up for real at 9:30, well-rested a hotel room to myself, sun streaming in through the balcony, which I stepped out onto to see the eiffel tour, standing gloriously in the sunshine. I had a relaxing hour getting ready and then it was off to find my hostel. Unfortunately, I was stopped by the metro police who asked to see my ticket, which I couldn't find, so I figured I would just give him one of my unused passes but apparently that doesn't fly because it turns out "this isn't stamped. now you have a problem" and made me hand over 25 euros on the spot. I was incredibly upset about this and had to fight back tears as I carried on my way. This isn't usually something I would get so upset about but I am stressed and broke so 25 euro was a lot for an unfair reason. Luckily, at the next station the information attendant, a charming redhead, renewed my opinion of parisians by being incredibly nice and pointing me in the direction of my hostel, which I found quickly. I put my bag in the luggage room, which was literally like a cave in the basement, stone walls and dampness and all. Not knowing what to do with myself but knowing I needed a snack, I hopped on the metro to the eiffel tour where I had a baguette on a bench while reading my travel book and making notes of things I'd like to see. The sun was out and there were tons of people jogging about the park, casual. I snapped a few pictures and just people watched for awhile, being asked a number of times to take photographs of couples, Paris really is a romantic city. Speaking of romance, multiple men selling eiffel key chains, "5 for a euro!" stopped by my bench to first, ask me if i wanted useless trinkets but mostly to say things like "you are.. eh.. how you say.. er.. very sexy, we get cafe?" (I hope you read that in a really foreign accent) Unable to sort my thoughts or come up with a concrete plan I decided to just head to the nearest metro. (I really need Aunt Terry for this whole planning thing). I got lost.. ish, but I don't mind as I just took more pictures and came upon a church with some really pretty mosaic decorations. Eventually I found the metro which I took to the Opera, My plan was to pop into Galleries Lafayette, a fiant fancy superstore. There are allegedly great views and I heard, a covergirl exhibit. But it turned out to be Sunday, meaning nearly all shops are closed. Lame. Back on the metro. (As I wrote this) Now I am sitting in a tiny place called Terres de Cafe, drinking a dopio machiatto, relaxing. Best coffee I have had in two months. My next stop is hopefully the museum of modern art. I think I have to pay for this one, but I love modern art so it will be worth it. I think if I travel alone again I would want a more set in stone plan for what I am going to do, or at least look up and map out my destinations ahead of time. I miss the handiness of my iphone.

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